7 Reasons of “Being Single”

Hey friends, are you also single and not ready to mingle???? Then we are sailing in the same boat :) . Let’s explore this status known as “Single”. “Single” means you are brave enough to face the glorious unknown of the solitary journey. “Being Single” means you are at the top of the world, free to do whatever you  wish, no rules, no restrictions, no one to put a check mark on  you (except your parents ;) ).No bf no tension
Many people around me are depressed, sad, and lonely because they don’t have somebody. They think that once they finally find someone, they will be happy — and they will have no troubles. Well I have written this for all those humans today. It may betrue that having someone can add to your happiness. I completely agree that it can occur and does occur when you find the right person that suits you. But I can recount many stories from my friends both male and female who are in relationships and are miserable. Many of them are trapped and they’d give anything to be single, to be in your shoes.
Being person with the status “Single”, I have experienced the “single-hood” at its highs and lows. Honestly speaking, I can draw more line towards benefits of “Being Single” rather than its ill effects. Let’s look at some of the positive aspects that I enjoy as “Being Single”.
1.   Singleness Brings Degree Of Freedom
“Being Single” means I have more freedom. I am answerable to no one (again I mention, except, my parents). It allows me for more spontaneity in my life. If I want to take a weekend road trip, I can make that decision on the spur. “Being Single” allows me to be my own person, to just do as I please, to make my own choices. I don’t need to call my boyfriend and request him to grant me permission to go somewhere. “Being Single” gives me a chance to break down those barriers and develop a forever-friendship with my friends. I can pick up and go anywhere I want, anytime I want.

2.   Money Mania
Relationships cost money, and that too lot of it!!! “Being Single” gives me full financialfreedom. Think of the money you’ll save by not having to pay for overpriced dinners and movies, and buying all kinds of presents for birthdays, Valentine’s Day, Christmas, and anniversary and what not. Guys, you can get that new iPhone that has just launched in the market and girls, you can treat yourself to that piece of jewelry or new outfit that you are longing for, from your desired store or Mall from the money that don’t need to spend on your partner. So go ahead and order the most expensive item on the menu.
3.   Time Saving
Closely related to time is money. We live in a society where everyone is busier than Narendra Modi and Sonia Gandhi :P. When you’re single, you will have more time for yourself and for things that you like to do.  Take my example, I can freely set my own schedule. “Being Single” gives me more time for my hobbies, to work on my career, relaxation, being with friends and family, to better myself, learn a new language, read books of my interest, go travelling …. the list is endless. Relationships and marriages especially require a significant amount of time, as anyone who is married or in arelationship will tell you more about.
4.   No Need To Tolerate AnyoneIt’s a fact – all of us have oddities about ourselves that someone else finds annoying. “Being Single” frees me from this issue. “Being Single” allows me to give my patience a rest and live in a non-frustrating environment. The only disgusting habits I’ll have to put up with are my own.
5.   No Emotional Roller Coaster Rides
“Being Single” allows me to stabilize my emotions. When a person is in a relationship, especially when it is just starting, their emotions can go completely out of smack. their mind can go a mile a minute constantly thinking things like, “Does she/he still like me?”, “Did I say the right thing?”, “What should I do now?”, “When should I call next?” The list goes on and on. It’s enough to make a person go nuts with all these thoughts running rampant. Another point is, “Being Single” doesn’t need a person to worry about heart-wrenching breakup.
6.   Ability To Know Yourself 
“Being Single” can give me a deeper awareness of who you re – not someone as defined by a relationship. During the initial stages of a relationship, one tries to make themselves look as good as possible to impress their partner. I’ve often found themselves saying and doing things that they normally wouldn’t do. “Being Single” allows me to be myself and develop who I really am. I can upgrade myself to what my heart’s desires; take up the hobbies that I love to pursue. Living single gives me the freedom to discover myself.
7.   Make Your Life Anything You Want It to Be 
This is ultimately the biggest advantage of “Being Single”. “Being Single” I have the unique opportunity to mold and shape my life and pursue my dreams. “Being Single” lets me to dedicate myself to my career. There are no reasons to settle for second-best and no one else is depending on the choices that I make. I do not have to consider another person while making life decisions for myself. I can pursue my career ambitions while I am single.
These are just some of the advantages of “Being Single”. As I progress into becoming a successful single, I will find more and more advantages.
To feel more proud on “Being Single”, just let your mind food up with the thoughts on some points mentioned below and you will be walking like a lion in the jungle among all the committed ones.
  • Pen down the advantages that you find on “Being Single” apart from those points mentioned above.
  • What things you feel you can’t do after being in commitment that you are doing now?
You are in a unique position that may not last forever, take advantages of the opportunities before they fly away!!!
Stay “Single”. Stay Happy. :)


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